Attention and Focus Problems

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adult/Child/Teenage)

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Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Adult/Child/Teenage)

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can affect individuals of all ages, although symptoms may present differently depending on the age group.

1. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that typically appears in early childhood, usually symptoms are observed before the age of twelve. ADHD makes it difficult for children to inhibit their spontaneous responses—responses that can involve everything from movement to speech to attentiveness. The diagnosis of ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can mean a lifelong struggle against debilitating symptoms as adults with the condition often have problems meeting deadlines, keeping appointments, conquering clutter and keeping track of their most valuable items. Help is available so that the individuals can focus better, overcome procrastination, bring order to their chaotic life and stop ADHD from interfering with their personal relationship.

That said, the term “ADD” is still commonly used informally to describe individuals who primarily exhibit symptoms of inattention without significant hyperactivity-impulsivity. These individuals may have difficulty sustaining attention, organizing tasks, following through on instructions, and maintaining focus on tasks that require mental effort. They may appear forgetful, disorganized, and easily distracted.

While ADD is not officially recognized as a separate diagnosis, the symptoms associated with it are still considered part of the broader spectrum of ADHD. In clinical practice, individuals who exhibit primarily inattentive symptoms may receive a diagnosis of ADHD, predominantly inattentive presentation.

2. Children, Adolescent and Adult ADHD

As children enter school age (6-12 years), academic difficulties become more pronounced. Poor attention span, inconsistent performance, and organizational struggles may hinder academic progress. Hyperactivity continues to manifest through restlessness, excessive talking, and difficulty remaining seated. Impulsivity contributes to behavioral problems in the classroom, such as defiance or disruptive behavior, further exacerbating academic and social challenges. Peer relationships may suffer due to impulsive or disruptive behaviors, impacting self-esteem and emotional well-being.

Adolescence (12-18 years) introduces a new set of challenges as hormonal changes and increased social demands intersect with ADHD symptoms. Academic challenges persist, compounded by difficulties with time management, long-term planning, and studying. Social difficulties intensify as adolescents navigate peer relationships, often experiencing conflicts stemming from impulsive behaviors or social misinterpretations. The risk for substance abuse, accidents, and risky behaviors escalates, underscoring the importance of early intervention and support during this critical developmental stage.

In adulthood (18 years and older), ADHD symptoms may manifest differently but continue to impact daily functioning. Inattention may manifest as difficulty with time management, organization, and prioritizing tasks, affecting performance in the workplace. Hyperactivity may present as internal restlessness and difficulty relaxing, contributing to feelings of restlessness and anxiety. Impulsivity may manifest in impulsive spending, risk-taking behaviors, and difficulty inhibiting responses, impacting financial stability and interpersonal relationships. Adults with ADHD may face challenges in maintaining steady employment, sustaining relationships, and managing responsibilities, leading to increased risk for mood disorders, substance abuse, and traffic accidents.

ADHD Assessments are facilitated by collaborating team Therapy and Beyond. 

3. Specific Learning Disorders/Disabilities (SPLD)

Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) are neurodevelopmental disorders that affect a person’s ability to acquire certain academic skills, despite having average or above-average intelligence. These difficulties are typically lifelong but can be managed with appropriate interventions. Common types of SpLD include:

  • Dyslexia: Affects reading, spelling, and writing. Individuals may struggle with word recognition, decoding, and fluency.

  • Dyscalculia: Impacts mathematical skills. Challenges include understanding numbers, learning arithmetic facts, and performing calculations.

  • Dysgraphia: Affects handwriting and fine motor skills. Individuals may have poor handwriting, difficulty with spelling, and trouble organizing thoughts on paper.

  • Dyspraxia (Developmental Coordination Disorder): Affects motor coordination. People may struggle with tasks requiring balance, fine motor skills, or spatial awareness.

  • ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder): Though classified as an SpLD, it often coexists with SpLD and affects attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity, impacting learning.

Early diagnosis and targeted support, such as specialized teaching methods, assistive technology, and accommodations, can significantly improve outcomes for individuals with SpLD. (IQ/Learning Disorder/Psychological Testing are done with our collaborating team Therapy and Beyond).